Art & Exhibitions

The Kāpiti Coast is well known for being home to a large number of incredibly talented artists working in all mediums. There are always exhibitions underway - especially with the wonderful "Art Everywhere" project.

Star Glaze Mid Winter Ceramics Festival

13 – 15 Jul 2023
Otaki Racing Club

47 Te Roto Road, Ōtaki

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Star Glaze is an 'up market' all-weather winter festival with attractions both indoors and outdoors.

The festival aims to create a sustainable mid-winter celebration of art and culture again this year with additional exciting offerings.

Star Glaze, launched by Ōtaki Pottery Club and coinciding with Ōtaki-Māori Racing Club race day on Matariki Day, received a positive response from the community during the Matariki weekend in 2022 creating a unique festival feel where art and sport merged. The event provided a platform for emerging ceramists to showcase their work. Based on its success, the club aims to deepen the exploration of Matariki's significance through the festival.

Wild Weaving Weekend

22 Jul 2023
EcoFibre Artist Studio

32 Parenga Rd,

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Spend a full weekend immersing yourself into the world of sculptural basketry, in the studio surrounded by native bush on the footsteps of the Tararua mountain range.

We will cover a lot more such as how to harvest, store and prepare natural fibres for weaving. Birgit will demonstrate how to make cordage with plant fibres and give you lots of inspiration how to finish/decorate your weavings.

This workshop is suitable for absolute beginners with no previous weaving experience.

Seeing the Wood From The Trees

24 Jun – 30 Jul 2023
Old Courthouse Gallery

239 Main Highway,

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A Mixed Media interpretation by local artists.

Official opening event is being held at the Gallery on June 24th at 4:30 pm.

Everybody Welcome, bring all your friends.

Kāpiti Coast Quilters Exhibition

16 – 17 Sep 2023
Southward Car Museum

Otaihanga Rd , Otaihanga

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This is the bi-annual exhibition held by Kāpiti Coast Quilters, an active group of quilters from across the Kapiti region.

It will feature traditional, modern, & art quilts, a members challenge, and a variety of other fabric creations. Also special touring exhibits to be announced.

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